Aspect ratio atomics are used to set the width-to-height ratio of an element, even if the parent container or viewport size changes.
cssproperty | ratio | screensize |
aspect-ratio | 1-1 , 2-1 , 4-3 , 9-16 , 16-9 | N/A |
Aspect ratio atomics are used to set the width-to-height ratio of an element, even if the parent container or viewport size changes.

<div class="padding-sm width-500-tablet">
alt="An example image with an aspect ratio of 2 by 1"
If the video
or iframe
container is wider or taller than the video content, the remaining space is filled with a black background. Using the most common video ratio aspect-ratio-16-9
will remove the black background and scale the element responsively.
<div class="padding-sm width-500">
If the element's intrinsic size is smaller than its container size, the ratio isn't calculated. These elements will need to have its width set to width: 100%
to calculate the height. This can be done with the use of width atomics or image components.

<div class="width-150 image padding-xxs">
alt="An example image with an aspect ratio of 1 by 1"
If the source image has a different intrinsic aspect ratio than the atomic ratio the image will be stretched. This scenario can be prevented with image atomic object-fit-cover

<div class="padding-xxs width-350">
class="aspect-ratio-4-3 object-fit-cover"
alt="An example image resized to an aspect ratio of 4 by 3"
List of all available classes: