
Input elements are used to accept data from the user.

Class Default Disabled
<input class="input" type="text" />


Here is an example of a standard usage of input paired with a label.

<label class="label margin-bottom-xxs" for="input-demo">Label</label>
<input class="input" id="input-demo" type="text" />


input-sm/input-lg makes input a little bigger or smaller than the default.

<input class="input input-sm" type="text" />
<input class="input margin-top-xs" type="text" />
<input class="input input-lg margin-top-xs" type="text" />

Validation states

input-danger/input-success helps with visual reflection of validation states.

State Class
Danger .input .input-danger
Success .input .input-success
<input class="input input-danger" type="text" />


Use input-icon on the input in combination with a .icon sibling to add an icon to the input. If the icon needs to displayed at the end of the input, use input-icon-right.

<div class="position-relative margin-bottom-xxs">
    <input class="input input-icon input-sm" type="text" />
    <span class="icon">
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
                d="M1344 0q97 0 187 25t168 71 142 110 111 143 71 168 25 187q0 97-25 187t-71 168-110 142-143 111-168 71-187 25q-125 0-239-42t-211-121l-785 784q-19 19-45 19t-45-19-19-45q0-26 19-45l784-785q-79-96-121-210t-42-240q0-97 25-187t71-168 110-142T989 96t168-71 187-25zm0 1280q119 0 224-45t183-124 123-183 46-224q0-119-45-224t-124-183-183-123-224-46q-119 0-224 45T937 297 814 480t-46 224q0 119 45 224t124 183 183 123 224 46z"
<div class="position-relative margin-bottom-xxs">
    <input class="input input-icon-right" type="text" />
    <span class="icon">
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
                d="M1344 0q97 0 187 25t168 71 142 110 111 143 71 168 25 187q0 97-25 187t-71 168-110 142-143 111-168 71-187 25q-125 0-239-42t-211-121l-785 784q-19 19-45 19t-45-19-19-45q0-26 19-45l784-785q-79-96-121-210t-42-240q0-97 25-187t71-168 110-142T989 96t168-71 187-25zm0 1280q119 0 224-45t183-124 123-183 46-224q0-119-45-224t-124-183-183-123-224-46q-119 0-224 45T937 297 814 480t-46 224q0 119 45 224t124 183 183 123 224 46z"
<div class="position-relative">
    <input class="input input-icon input-lg" type="text" />
    <span class="icon">
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048">
                d="M1344 0q97 0 187 25t168 71 142 110 111 143 71 168 25 187q0 97-25 187t-71 168-110 142-143 111-168 71-187 25q-125 0-239-42t-211-121l-785 784q-19 19-45 19t-45-19-19-45q0-26 19-45l784-785q-79-96-121-210t-42-240q0-97 25-187t71-168 110-142T989 96t168-71 187-25zm0 1280q119 0 224-45t183-124 123-183 46-224q0-119-45-224t-124-183-183-123-224-46q-119 0-224 45T937 297 814 480t-46 224q0 119 45 224t124 183 183 123 224 46z"
